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King Mountain Neighborhood Schools Update

On September 13, 2022, Hannah Jones chair of our neighborhood association’s Schools Subcommittee, attended a City of Bellingham public meeting to discuss rezoning the property the Bellingham Public School District owns in the King Mountain Neighborhood. . The following is a summary from the meeting:

1. Firstly, the city owns a parcel off Bakerview rd. that is currently zoned Residential. The School District is requesting a rezone for this parcel to a Public Schools designation. This meeting was part of that application process. The city will make its decision at the end of the calendar year.

2. Prior to that the decision, the city will mail out a notice sometime in October to invite written comments on the rezone. They HIGHLY encourage positive feedback if you support the rezone; generally they only receive responses when people dislike a decision.

3. Another committee will be formed this fall to create a high-level vision for the school’s design. They will be gathering numerous people from previous committees who have worked on earlier stages of this project . They would also like to invite a member from the King Mountain Neighborhood Association board. They will be in contact with the association's Schools subcommittee Chair with more information soon.

4. Questions were asked regarding the “L” shape of the property. The state recommends a minimum of 10 acres to build an elementary school. This property is 15 acres. Due to having some wetland delineation, they are confident this should be sufficient.

5. They are hoping to break ground by spring 2024 with an anticipated build window of 14-16 months. They hope to have the school ready by Fall 2025.

6. The school district is currently in the process of hiring a design consultant who specializes in school design. This company would actively participate with the new design committee being formed.

7. They do NOT know where the entrance to the school will be. Bakerview may not be the best entrance as it would create traffic jams during transition windows. The school district has hired a transportation expert to advise on staff. Cougar Road is a possible alternative.

If you would like to be involved with tracking and shaping the development of our neighborhood elementary school, please reach out to the Schools Subcommittee!

Hannah Jones:



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