Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan Updates
On June, 30th 2022, the CoB had a joint neighborhood meeting between the King Mountain and Cordata Neighborhood Associations on June 30 to discuss our Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan Updates. You can find the presentation slide from that meeting below.
General Transportation Update:
In 2009, nine-hundred acres of northcentral Bellingham Urban Growth Area (UGA) was annexed to the City, rezoned to allow higher urban densities, and became the King Mountain Neighborhood, which is now the fastest growing area of the city. Through annexation, Bellingham inherited many old and narrow rural County arterial roads, none of which included sidewalks, bike lanes, street lighting, or traffic signals. Since then, the City has invested tens of millions of dollars to retrofit these rural roads with urban features such as sidewalks, street trees, bike lanes, trails, street lighting, and crosswalks to support urban population growth and multimodal travel.
At an estimated $15 million dollars, the James Street multiuse pathway is not constructable in whole and can only realistically be constructed strategically in four distinct segments. In 2022, two of the four segments of the James Street Multiuse Pathway are now funded and scheduled for construction in 2025. You can find maps, graphics, and project descriptions of many transportation improvements that we will be making in the next several years in the King Mountain Neighborhood in the just-adopted 2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), including Telegraph Road ($7.2 million), James/Bakerview Roundabout ($3.9 million), James Street Multiuse Pathway ($4.2 million), and King Mtn ES Safe Route to School projects ($3.3 million), after about $40 million invested in and around King Mtn over the past 10 years – see attached.
